How to access var app (new Framework7) in app.methods.myMethod

When I call a method on init from within methods object:

on: {
	init: function() {

in myMethod I can not access var app (for example to call another method or access the object). When I console.log(this), it only contains app.methods object.
Is this intended?

In my experience even the following snippet from the documentation does not work, when I call the method on init, because app is not accessible. What I am missing and how is this supposed to work?

var app = new Framework7({
  methods: {
    alert: function() {
      app.dialog.alert('Hello World');
on: {
    init: function () {

Hi, do you use components?
you can listen to a page init event, and then run the method of that page. A little more of code will help to get the idea of what you are trying to do.

Looks like an issue, already pushed fix for this

So yeah, this inside of method should point to app instance

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you can listen to a page init event, and then run the method of that page.

I wonder whats the idea here ? and whats the reason for using it

call a method in a component from another component ?

or call a method in a component from app.vue ?

Do we have to use the Beta version of 3? Because we tried and it does not work, also in v2.

Yes, it is in beta 3 at the moment