How To Follow SEO Checklist?

My name is Emma Joseph and I am a passionate university student. Recently I have launched my dream project under the title of Infozla where I used to share the latest news about the celebrities. Can anybody please help me to get and follow a best SEO Checklist?
Regards >> Emma Joseph

Wishing you all the success with Infozla 7, Emma Joseph!

Congrats on launching your dream project, Infozla 7! It’s awesome to see passionate students pursuing their goals. Regarding your question about an SEO checklist, I’ve got you covered!
To follow a top-notch SEO checklist, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, make sure your website has relevant and engaging content. Use Google search operators to refine your research and find the most trending topics in the celebrity news niche.
Next, optimize your website’s on-page elements like meta tags, headers, and keywords. This helps search engines understand your content better. Backlink building is crucial too, as it boosts your website’s authority. Reach out to other reputable websites in your industry for collaboration opportunities.