How to get return object from left panel

I hope to close a left panel and return an object to the parent page when I click some buttons in the left panel. Now I know how to close and return to the sidebar, but I don’t know how to receive this return object on the parent page. Thanks!
This is my left panel:

    <f7-page name="home">
        <f7-block strong>
                <f7-col width="50">
                    <f7-button fill @click="testClose('param1')"  panel-close="left">return 1</f7-button>
                <f7-col width="50">
                    <f7-button fill @click="testClose('param2')" panel-close="left">return 2</f7-button>

    export default {
        name: "page-B-panel.vue",
        props: {
            foo: String,
                console.log(retStr); // how return retStr to parent page

My parent page:

<f7-button @click="changePanelLeft('home3')" panel-open="left">Left Panel3</f7-button><script>
  import panelA from '@/views/yxgz/qxjl/page-a-panel';
  import panelB from '@/views/yxgz/qxjl/page-b-panel';
  import panelC from '@/views/yxgz/qxjl/page-c-panel';
  export default {
    mounted() {
      this.$root.panelComponent = panelC;
      this.$root.panelProps = {
        foo: 'bar',
    methods: {
      changePanelLeft(str) {

          this.$root.panelComponent = panelB;
        }else if(str=='home3'){
          this.$root.panelComponent = panelC;
        this.$ =str

My app.vue:

  <!-- Left panel with cover effect-->
    <f7-panel v-if="$root.panelComponent" left cover>
      <component :is="$root.panelComponent" v-bind="$root.panelProps"></component>

i would use events. maybe there is a better way. f7 has a pretty simple evt api;


testClose(retStr) {
  console.log(retStr); // how return retStr to parent page
  myEvents.emit('panelCloseEvt', {some: 'Data', here: 'ok!'});


mounted() {
  this.$root.panelComponent = panelC;
  this.$root.panelProps = {
    foo: 'bar',
  myEvents.on('panelCloseEvt', this.panelClose)
methods: {
  panelClose (payload) {
    // do something

you can also use vue events.

1 Like

Thank you! Vue events is worked!Thank you very much!!


Its ok the video. But you change the text, he ask I hope to close a left panel and return an object to the parent page…

also, in the video you have two html elements with the same id=‘TitleApp’, maybe just a typo.

Doy you want onclose event. When the panel close return a object.

Try instanciate app,
Import app from ‘.path/to/framework7/’;
Into panel page