How to load a full html subpage?

I want to load a full html page as a subpage with all the html tags in V5.

Im not sure how to set it up in my routes and I guess the subpage needs to be wrapped in template tags?
I have tested with both ways of the below but I can´t get it to work so any help appreciated!
Which should I use?
name: ‘aboutus’,
path: ‘/aboutus/’,
componentUrl: ‘textsidor/aboutus.asp’,
options: {
animate: true,
path: ‘/aboutus/’,
options: {
animate: true,
async: function (to, from, resolve, reject) {
var router = this;
resolve({url: ‘./textsidor/aboutus.asp’});

And the aboutus page should look like this?
page div

Components can’t have the whole document layout. If you need full meta tags, you can set them on pageInit with JS (e.g. document.title = 'New title') and you need to use some service like

Or by migrating your app to v6 + React + Next.js with full featured server-side rendering :smiley:

Thanks Vladimir. Yes, it took me a wile but I finally realized that I had to change the title and description in the index.html(start page).

So when I load a product page(as a sub page) I get the product title and description from the page Im loading and I do it it the beforein function like this.

$$(document).on('page:beforein', function (e,page) {

here I get the title and description from the page I load and then set the title and description in the index.html file

var tit=$$(page.el).find('meta[name=title]').attr('content');
document.title = tit;

var dec=$$(page.el).find('meta[name=desc]').attr('content');

Is this how you would do it or is there a better way?

Why do I need to prerender?
I have uploaded a sitemap in the Google console with 1100 links to all my product pages, isn´t google indexing all the urls in the sitemap?

because search bots more likely don’t execute javascript when fetching your pages

Thanks Vladimir. No google executes javascript and it index it, but the difference between static html pages and javascript pages is that it will index the static html one at ones, but it will index the javascript page in two different times, so it will take longer for a javascript page to be fully indexed then a static html page.

I will see in a couple of days if it index all my products or not haha. But thats what I read anyway.

But Im thinking of creating static html page as well, I found a way I can do it myself on my server, but I have read that is serving the static html files to the google bot robot, do you have any Idea how this is done?

One more question about this.
Do I need to change the

<link rel="canonical">

as well in my index page when I change the title and description?

So when I load a sup-product page I change it to <link rel="canonical" href=""> if thats the url address?
Thanks Vladimir.