How to open many independent pages with the same name

How to open many independent pages with the same name. For example: I am on the “Catalog” page and I need to open another “Catalog” page, which will be completely new, not related to the previous “Catalog” page, etc. I use stackPages: true - it does not completely solve the problem, for example, the page opening animation is not correct. Thanks

Example: <a href="/cat?id=123">open cat</a>
In routes:

 path: '/cat',
 componentUrl : '/pages/cat.f7.html'

in router component:
var id = this.$;

Thanks for the answer. I forgot to add that I am using Vue. But this does not change the essence. Yes, I add a unique value to the parameter when I open it and a new copy is created. But the props in the new copy change the props in the previous copy of the page and the animation is not correct when opening a new copy. Therefore, not a full copy is created.

Would be good to see live example or JSFiddle of what you trying to do

Everything is simple:

  1. I open the page: $f7.views.main.router.navigate(’/product-list/?for-unique-page=’+ $f7.view.main.history.length, {props: {param_item: item, param_index: index}}

  2. Being on this page I want to open the same page with new props, but leaving the current without any changes in history. Etc, at least 10 pages of “product-list” but independent of each other.

P.S. parameter “for-unique-page” - to create a new page

Why you describes us the working and default behavior. What happens for you, how the initial page changes?

The props “param_index_item” change and a new page does not open with standard animation (not right to left, but left to right)

Would be good to see live example or JSFiddle of what you trying to do

Yes i will do in JSFiddle

I started to make an example in JSFiddle and saw my error. Framework7 is working correctly, thanks for the help. A few tips who will have a similar task:

  1. stackPages: true
  2. Each page should have a unique parameter, for example: /product-list/?page_id=7
  3. We must not forget, if we work with DOM elements, then also assign unique classes or id to the element or take into account the path of the new page.
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