How to select and upload files like .pdf or .docx in iOS

I have a problem selecting files and uploading to a server. For Android my code works perfectly using the file-transfer and file-selector plugins. However on iOS it does not work for selecting files. For images I got it.

the file picker/chooser works only in Android. Any ideia ?

My code:

                   $$('#arquivoUpload').on('click', function () {
						var caminhoLocal=file.uri;
						var mimeTipo=file.mime_type;
						app.dialog.preloader('Fazendo Upload...');


						var certo = function (r) {
							console.log("Code = " + r.responseCode);
							console.log("Resposta = " + r.response);
							console.log("Sent = " + r.bytesSent);
							if (r.response==0){
								app.dialog.alert('Por favor, tente novamente.','<b>Upload não realizado</b>');	

							if (r.response!==0){
								app.dialog.alert('Arquivo Salva no Servidor','<b>UPLOAD REALIZADO!</b>');
						var falhou = function (error) {
							app.dialog.alert('Por favor, tente novamente.','<b>Upload não realizado</b>');
							app.dialog.alert("Houve um problema. Código: " + error.code);
							console.log("upload error source " + error.source);
							console.log("upload error target " +;
                        var options = new FileUploadOptions();
                        options.fileKey = "file";
                        options.fileName = nomeArquivo; 
                        options.mimeType = mimeTipo; )

                        options.chunkedMode = false;						
                        var ft = new FileTransfer();
                        ft.upload(caminhoLocal,"upload.php", certo, falhou, options) 

This sounds like you would need to request permission from the user to access the iOS files app.

Hi Kerry,
Using the input type file html tag I can access the files, but I am not able to understand the reason for not uploading the .php file on my server. Anyway thanks for the help!

Mu code modified:

$$(’#abreFile’).on(‘change’, function (file) {

                   var caminhoLocal = "/var/mobile/Applications/<UUID>/</UUID>";

                   var tabelachat = localStorage.getItem("tabelachat");

                   app.dialog.preloader('Anexando arquivo...');

                   var certo = function (r) {                         

                       console.log("Resposta = " + r.response);     

                       if (r.response==0){


                           app.dialog.alert('Por favor, tente novamente.','<b>Upload não realizado</b>');   


                       if (r.response!==0){



                           app.dialog.alert('Arquivo Salvo no Servidor','<b>Arquivo anexado!</b>');





                   var falhou = function (error) {


                       app.dialog.alert('tente novamente.','<b>Upload não realizado</b>');

                       app.dialog.alert("Houve um problema. Código: " + error.code);

                       console.log("upload error source " + error.source);

                       console.log("upload error target " +;



                   var options = new FileUploadOptions();

                   options.fileKey = "file";

                   options.fileName = nomeArquivo;

                   options.mimeType = mimeTipo; 

                   options.chunkedMode = false;                        

                   var params = {}; 

                       params.value1 = nome;  

                       params.value2 = login;  

                       params.value3 = tabelachat;  

                       params.value4 =  mimeTipo;  

                       options.params = params;                      


                   var ft = new FileTransfer();

                   ft.upload(caminhoLocal, "upload-arquivo.php", certo, falhou, options) 


Did you whitelist your server for iOS? It might be blocking the connection.

What I had to do was use the plugin FilePicker-Phonegap-iOS-Plugin for iOS and adapt my code.


$$(‘pick’).on(‘click’, function() {

function successCallback(path) {
var caminhoLocal = path;

               var tabelachat = localStorage.getItem("tabelachat");
               app.dialog.preloader('Anexando arquivo...');

               var certo = function (r) {                         

                   console.log("Resposta = " + r.response);     

                   if (r.response==0){


                       app.dialog.alert('Por favor, tente novamente.','<b>Upload não realizado</b>');   


                   if (r.response!==0){



                       app.dialog.alert('Arquivo Salvo no Servidor','<b>Arquivo anexado!</b>');





               var falhou = function (error) {


                   app.dialog.alert('tente novamente.','<b>Upload não realizado</b>');

                   app.dialog.alert("Houve um problema. Código: " + error.code);

                   console.log("upload error source " + error.source);

                   console.log("upload error target " +;



             var options = new FileUploadOptions();
                   options.fileKey = "file";
                   options.fileName = caminhoLocal.substr(caminhoLocal.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
                   options.mimeType = "image/jpg"; // 
                   options.chunkedMode = false;	                       

                   var params = {};	
                       params.value1 = nome;  
                       params.value2 = login;  
                       params.value3 = tabelachat;                          
                       options.params = params;         

               var ft = new FileTransfer();

               ft.upload(caminhoLocal, "upload-arquivo.php", certo, falhou, options) 


anyway thank you