How to set multiple value as selected in smartselect?

[Framework7 5.5.3]
I tried many ways to make it works but no luck. Can any one help me please?

<!-- component template -->

  <div class="page page-settings">
    <div class="navbar navbar-large-transparent">...</div>
    <div class="page-content">
	  <form id="settings-form">
	    <div class="list no-hairlines-md">
			<!-- Additional "smart-select" class -->
			<a href="#" class="item-link smart-select smart-city smart-select-init" data-open-in="sheet">
			    <select name="city" multiple>
				  {{#each city}}
					<option value="{{}}">{{}}</option>
			  <div class="item-content">
				<div class="item-inner">
				  <!-- Select label -->
				  <div class="item-title">Select City</div>
				  <!-- Selected value, not required -->
				  <div class="item-after"></div>

  // script must return component object
  return {
    data: function () {
      return {
        city: '', 
	selectedCity: ''
methods: {
	markCity: function( objState ) {
	var city = objState.selectedCity;
	var	area = city.split(', ');
	// set city
	var smartSelectCity = app.smartSelect.get('.smart-city');
mounted() { 
  this.$f7ready(() => {
  var self = this;'http://localhost/f7restful/api/get_city', {cid: country_id} )
.then(function (res) {
	const data = JSON.parse(;
	const city =;
        const myCity = data.myCity;
	const objState = { city: cities, selectedCity: myCity };
	// update component state with new state
	// method call

from the code i see that you dont declare the area var. also, any error in the console?

but adding var still doesn’t work.

can you share your array? also, any errors in the console?

no console error. and it is showing Array [ “Dublin”, “Galway” ]

its working fine for me.
here you have an example;


Problem is when I’m trying list cities dynamically and then trying to set values as selected. I have updated the question. Please see the example below:

methods: {
markCity: function( objState ) {
var city = objState.selectedCity;
var	area = city.split(', ');

// set city
var smartSelectCity = app.smartSelect.get('.smart-city');
<!-- Additional "smart-select" class -->
<a href="#" class="item-link smart-select smart-city smart-select-init" data-open-in="sheet">
<select name="city" multiple>
{{#each city}}
<option value="{{}}">{{}}</option>
<div class="item-content">
<div class="item-inner">
<!-- Select label -->
<div class="item-title">Select City</div>
<!-- Selected value, not required -->
<div class="item-after"></div>

i updated my example;

but basically you want this:

        on: {
          pageBeforeIn() {
            let vm = this
            // your ajax call here:
            setTimeout(() => {
              let ajaxResult = [{
                name: 'Dublin'
              }, {
                name: 'Cork'
              }, {
                name: 'Galway'
              }, {
                name: 'Limerick'
              let selectedCity = 'Dublin, Galway'
              let area = selectedCity.split(', ');
                city: ajaxResult
              }, () => {
                let smartSelectCity = vm.$app.smartSelect.get('.smart-city');
            }, 750)
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Thanks for your time, but options are generating dynamically with the help of return data object. In that case it is not selecting by using.


what? i dont understand what yo meant.
did you even look at my updated code? in my code the options are also generated dynamically:


<select name="city" multiple>
  {{#each city}}
    <option value="{{}}">{{}}</option>

the data: (note that city, its an EMPTY array.)

data: function() {
  return {
    title: 'Component Page',
    city: [],

geting data from the backend/api: (in this case i use a timeout to simulate the ajax call, but its the same):

setTimeout(() => {
  // this part is equal to your response
  //'http://localhost/f7restful/api/get_city', {cid: country_id} ).then( res => { })
  // so res = ajaxResult
  let ajaxResult = [{
    name: 'Dublin'
  }, {
    name: 'Cork'
  }, {
    name: 'Galway'
  }, {
    name: 'Limerick'
  let selectedCity = 'Dublin, Galway'
  let area = selectedCity.split(', ')
  // Here i assign the new data (res) to the template data. the setState will tell f7 to re-render the component. so AFTER the setState, a callback is called.
  // So when the callback is called, we know that f7 has already rendered the component with the dinamically generated options.
  // Now we need to asign the selected options.
    city: ajaxResult
  }, () => {
    let smartSelectCity = vm.$app.smartSelect.get('.smart-city');
}, 750)
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Oh sorry, I didn’t see the fiddle link. It was hide. Now I can see your code and specially the anonymous function used as callback for $setState. I didn’t try this yet. But hopeful this will work.

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