How to use Framework7 with CapacitorJS?

Does anyone know the best way to use Framework7 with CapacitorJS?


Can Ionic use right away? :slight_smile:

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У вас есть опыт с Capacitor? Можете назвать его преимущества, которые есть на практике?

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@shastox Your response seems to be encrypted :wink: but I did saw a beautiful Framework 7 logo on the website of Capacitor.js. I am also interested in any experience with Capacitor.js in combination with F7.

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It’s actually very simple to set up. I used the F7 cli to create new project, browser only. Then I simply installed Capacitor and voila, it worked. I didn’t realize how simple it would be. Let me know if you need any help.


Make a video tutorial please.

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Please share your experience!

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Please give more details

Make a video tutorial