How to use Framework7 without its routing system?

Framework7 seems to constraint me to set a route variable. But I need to

  1. listen clicks (by myself)
  2. make ajax request and then
  3. push the new view with some transition I would have defined.

Lets’s assume this link My profile. I need to make an ajax request on click and display the content as a new view. I would think of this following code:

// binding logic would goe here then..

app.request.get('/users/5/profile', function (data) {
    console.log(data); // I need data is displayed as a new view

it’s a complicated issue as it causes it. you can use it. Discard the query and publish the incoming content.

Another option is to use template7 components

            path: '/something/',
            async: function (routeTo, routeFrom, resolve, reject) {
              // Requested route
              // Get external data and return template7 template
    'http://some-endpoint/', function (data) {
                  // How and what to load: template
                    template: '<div class="page">{{users}}</div>' // ajax result content
                  // Custom template context
                    context: {
                      users: data,