iOS 11.3 PhoneGap resume problem

But i can see this problem. I updated ios to 11.3. Opened apps i have created with F7, minimized them. After a while, none of apps is producing clicks

Trying to figure out the problem

I was wrong. After a few minutes (about 5) in the background and iPad screen off, the Safari mobile window where was opened my F7 v2 app is no responding anymore to my touch.

Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 11_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1

I can see the “Ripple” effect (because I use MD theme on iOS) that start to ripple, circle become giant and everything stop, and nothing react.

I have to make F5 to have things back ok.

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If you are in emergency, you should, when your app is Resumed, make a complete reload of your application (F5 correct the problem in Safari Mobile). I don’t use cordova, but

You should for example do a “location.reload()” when app resumed event is triggered. Should fix the problem for the moment (even if it’s dirty)

Looks like it’s related to the fastclick because the elements with no-fastclick class is fine

Ok, seems to fixed now. Issue was due to iOS bug reporting touch event timeStamp as negative value. Fixed it with

Can you guys check does it work for you?


Great. I just update with your patch. Test is running. Result in 15 mn.

Update : I waited too much and Safari reload my Tab. New test


Problem seems to be fixed with your patch. Great job.

But strange bug this negative value for touchEvent !


More strange is that after resumed with certain period

I suspect that it is a period when timeStamp becomes negative

Is there a way to patch v1? I am having the same issue. Thanks.

I too have the same problem with version 1. Please, is there a patch for v1? Thanks.

Yes I confirm. The problem seems to be the same also with framework7 v1.7. I tried to change the code ( directly into the file framework7.js, and now it seems to work, but I’mo not sure if it’s the best way to apply the fix, also because in v2 the code uses ‘const’ for “touchEndTime” variable. Can I use it also in v1 without any problems?


Patch for v1 will be on a days

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Thank you. I did exactly what clossi mentioned and it works great. Thanks again!

Any patch for v1. This is urgent !!

1.7.1 has this patch

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awesome it works thanks!


Thanks for the quick reply. Is there a way to fix the fault by loading a remote javascript?

In this way I can solve the problem temporarily until Apple validates the update of my apps

Thanks in advance

anyone could help me?

I’ve a remote javascript in my server which is loaded from app. I’ve tried to load all the framework7.min.js in this file but I have the same issue

I think, it won’t be possible to fix it with additional script. Only if you can disable bundled F7 and reuse new one remotely