iOS 13 dictation not working

Our cordova app does not work with the iOS 13 dictation feature. It worked with dictation in iOS 12 with no issues. In iOS 13, the dictation window closes as soon as you start speaking. The console shows a message that states most likely the text content was changed by another function during the dictation. I also see a console error from the system on every keystroke, stating that an invalid selector was sent. I will follow up this message with the exact console messages I see in Xcode.

Our app is specifically made to support users who are visually or otherwise disabled. They often use dictation to help with data entry.

Our app can be downloaded from the App Store, its called WayAround, tag and scan. I found another F7 app called YouBeep that exhibits the same behavior. Any help with this is appreciated!

What is the dictation window? Native iOS keyboard mic button that enables dictation on any input? If yes then it is not related to F7 as it is not possible to affect its behavior. At least, as far as I know. Also just checked some of F7 apps, Dictation works correctly on text inputs

Oops, I forgot to mention it is using V3 of F7. It appears something is modifying the text in the text input while the dictation is happening. I am not suggesting that F7 is modifying the dictation microphone function itself, just that an event of some type is interfering with dictation once the dictation inserts the first bit of text you speak.

I know its inconvenient, but if you have an iOS 13 phone, would download WayAround app from the App Store and you can see what I mean when you use dictation on a text field.

I also could not see this in a V4 app, so I think that problem event is not used in the same way after V3.