Is possible to execute methods in the html code?

I want to execute a method that modify one data structure on wich I iterate to render the interface.
Im going to try to explain it with one easier example :

I have two datas structure: Car dealerships and cars. I have one array of all car dealerships and one array of all the cars with a property dealership.

This would be and example of the data:

Cars : [ { name : “CAR A” , description : “description a”,dealership : “CONCESIONARIO C”},
{ name : “CAR B” , description : “description b”,dealership : “CONCESIONARIO B”},
{ name : “CAR C” , description : “description c”,dealership : “CONCESIONARIO B”},
{ name : “CAR D” , description : “description d”,dealership : “CONCESIONARIO B”}]

I’m going to create an accordion for each dealership and into the accordion one card with the info of each cars that have this dealership.

<div class="list accordion-list accordion-opposite">
	  {{#each dealerships}}
	  <li class="accordion-item">
		<a class="item-content item-link" href="#">
		  <div class="item-inner">
			<div class="item-title">{{this}}</div>
		<div class="list media-list mt0 list-group">
			  {{#each filterDealership(cars,this)}}
			  <a id="element_{{this.ID}}" class=" sheet-open item-link item-content elemento{{this.ID}}" data-sheet="#modal-{{this.ID}}" >
				<div class="item-inner" id="div-{{this.ID}}">
				  <div class="item-title-row">
					<div class="item-title-bold">{{}}</div>
				  <div class="item-subtitle text-color-green mv6">{{this.description}}  </div>

And in my property methods I have the function filterDealership(originalArray, dealername) that filters all the cars of one dealership but I cant call this function in my html code. In others frameworks like Vue it is possible, but here?

It is not possible to do in Template7. Use Template7 helpers for this. Or modify data (by calling this method on each item and assigning result to some property)