Is there a way to avoid all Next js routes manually?

Is there an automatic way to render pages dynamically as next js does?
Avoid this code:

const routes = [
    path: "/",
    asyncComponent: () => import("./index"),
    path: "/about",
    asyncComponent: () => import("./about"),
    path: '/blog/:postID',
    asyncComponent: () => import('./blog/[postID]'),

what is wrong with this code?

too much code, as you know next js has dynamic routing system.

i never use nextjs
but i know f7-router must have routes.

here is the shortest you can get:

const routes = [
    path: '/',
    _import: './index'
    path: '/about',
    _import: './about'
    path: '/blog/:postID',
    _import: './blog/[postID]'
].map(i => Object.assign(i,{ asyncComponent: () => import(i._import) }));

ok thanks but anyway you gotta define all routes manually :smiley:

and frankly i don’t see it as a bad idea