Is there a way to update the content data with setState method inside a dynamically created modal sheet?

I have a modal sheet dynamically created and the template has handlebars inside, when the modal is opened I feed the content with the data.

The issue I am having this content data inside this modal sheet can be updated.

I am using self.$setState method to change and update the component data of the array previously passed.

With a new page there is no problem using self.$setState for this but inside a modal sheet nothing happens to update the component data using self.$setState.

any solution or ideas how to make this work?

here the code

 var tmpl = '<div class="sheet-modal" style="height:100%;">\
 <div class="sheet-modal-inner">\
   <div class="page-content infinite-scroll-content">\
     {{#ifCond weatherMetric "==" "celsius"}}
        {{converttocelsius weather.current.temp}}
        {{converttofarenheit weather.current.temp}}
      <label class="toggle color-black">\
          <input type="checkbox" checked>\
          <span class="toggle-icon"></span>\

var obj = app.utils.extend(weather, {
    weatherMetric: 'celsius',

var dynamicSheet = app.sheet.create({
  content: Template7.compile(tmpl)(obj),
  on: {
    open: function (sheet) {
      console.log('Sheet open');
    opened: function (sheet) {
      console.log('Sheet opened');

       var toggle = app.toggle.create({
       el: '.toggle',
       on: {
           change: function () {
             var toggle = app.toggle.get('.toggle');
             if (toggle.checked) {
                 console.log('Toggle checked');
                   weatherMetric: "celsius"

                 } else {
                   console.log('Toggle unchecked');
                     weatherMetric: "farenheit"

Let us say inside the modal sheet there is the weather information of a city for instance the temperature and this can be changed from celsius the default value to fahrenheit with a toggle.

The problem it seems that because the template was already rendered when opened the modal sheet, the component data cannot be updated after using self.$setState.

Is there any ideas to update component data with self.$setState in a dynamically created modal sheet?

thanks for the ideas!

No, it will not work. $setState is a feature of router components, and dynamic sheets is not the one

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Ohh pitty there is no way or any solution to update the content data of a dynamic sheet once it is rendered and created; dynamic popup will be the same case here I guess.

So, should I use for this case only a new page as a solution or which similar component will help to solve this case?

Is there any way the content of a dynamic sheet already rendered can be updated with new data?

$update(callback) method could help with this or not?

thanks for any reply!

You can use not dynamic sheet, put it inside of your routable page (that uses VDOM) or use routable modal for this sheet

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Thanks Vladimir!
I will try that way! :+1:

Looks like this will also solve my open thread as well @nolimits4web. I’m trying to implement a dynamic action sheet, but there’s no example to follow. I’m trying the following but without success:

<a href="/popup-content/test/" data-actions="#actions-two-groups" class="actions-open"><div actions-open="#actions-two-groups"><i class="f7-icons">ellipsis_vertical</i></div></a>

And in routes.js:

    path: '/popup-content/:popupid/',
    async: function (routeTo, routeFrom, resolve, reject) {
      var popupid = routeTo.params.popupid;
          popup: {
            content: `
            <f7-actions id="actions-two-groups">
            <f7-actions-label>` + popupid + `</f7-actions-label>
              <f7-actions-button>Delete Trip</f7-actions-button>
                <f7-actions-button color="red">Cancel</f7-actions-button>
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You don’t need this, in Vue you need to do it in Vue-way


import MyActions from '.../my-actions.vue';

path: '/actions/:id/',
actions: {
  component: MyActions,


  <f7-actions id="actions-two-groups">
              <f7-actions-button>Delete Trip</f7-actions-button>
                <f7-actions-button color="red">Cancel</f7-actions-button>
export default {
  props: {
    id: String

I definitely was over complicating it. Thank you so much for your support!