path: '/teste/',
url: './pages/teste.html',
on: {
pageInit: function(event,page){
path: '/teste/',
url: './pages/teste.html',
on: {
pageInit: function(event,page){
path: '/teste/',
url: './pages/teste.html',
on: {
pageInit: function(event,page){
This is identical to the documentation, but the problem persists.
in my app.js has the following
lazy: {
placeholder: "data:image/png;base64...",
threshold: 50,
sequential: true,
observer: true
You don’t need to call app.lazy.create('.page-content');
if there is already lazy elements on the moment of page-init. Does the example from Kitchen sink work for you? Also, you sure you are using F7 bundle version? https://github.com/framework7io/framework7/blob/master/kitchen-sink/core/pages/lazy-load.html
It still doesn’t work, it was migrated to v4.5.0 in the company and it stopped working.
I did not participate in the migration
I have a palliative solution, but still bad
$('img.lazy').each(function(index, element){
my base_64 image is fine, but the plugin does not change the image to the correct image in data-scr “”
path: '/teste/',
url: './pages/teste.html',
on: {
pageInit: function(event,page){
Set observer: false
or add fix for browser:
if ('IntersectionObserver' in window && 'IntersectionObserverEntry' in window && 'intersectionRatio' in window.IntersectionObserverEntry.prototype) {
if (!('isIntersecting' in window.IntersectionObserverEntry.prototype)) {
Object.defineProperty(window.IntersectionObserverEntry.prototype, 'isIntersecting', {
get: function() {
return this.intersectionRatio > 0;