ListItem doesn't render properly with CSS when written in React.Fragment

I have this:

  <ListItem title="Hello World" />

This will work perfect.

I have this:

      <ListItem title="Hello World" />

This will render the item like:

  • Hello World

    Basically I want to achieve this:

      return (
        <List className="list-orders-list">
   => {
              const { date, po } = item
              return (
                <React.Fragment key={date}>
                  <ComponentA date={date} />
                  <ComponentB po={po} />

    Under ComponentA and B there is a ListItem.

    BTW when using groupTitle it works

  • I solved this issue by replacing the React.Fragment with ListGroup.

    Try wrapping it with ul:

          <ListItem title="Hello World" />