Load Popup from component file

Going off this in blog:

This part:

// Load Popup from component file
    path: '/popup-component/',
    loginScreen: {
      componentUrl: './popup-component.html',
      /* popup-component.html contains:
          <div class="popup-screen">
            <div class="view">
              <div class="page">

I try this, and nothing appears, however in the DOM i see the popup element being inserted with my component file content all there, but the popup dosen’t show.
its just hidden.

my link is simply href="/my/route/", /my/route/ being defined just like the above blog post described. Ive had this problem no matter how i try loading a component file into a popup. The popups show in the DOM, have the content, but don’t appear on the screen.

There was a mistake there, it should be popup instead of popup-screen:

          <div class="popup">
            <div class="view">
              <div class="page">
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