Migration guide for Template7 to New Router Component

I try to migrate from v5 to v6 and wow there’s a lot of changes… on https://framework7.io/docs/migration-from-v5.html#new-router-component I learned that Template7 is not supported anymore…

If there’s no migration guide, how to basically update a simple routing like:
app.view.main.router.navigate(’/settings/’, {
reloadCurrent: true,
ignoreCache: true,
context: {
lblName: “toto”
on: {
pageInit: function () {
userLanguage.value = “ru”;

Thanks for your advices :wink:

context -> props https://framework7.io/docs/migration-from-v5.html#route-context

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I updated my document with the point 5.1.2 related to Migration 5 to 6 for my students (https://michaelmathieu.net/resources/dev_mobile_hybride.pdf)

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