My F7App does not load index page onstart

I am building a F7 app but when i compile it to .apk, it does not boot it to the index page, unless the app is minimizied.


var $$ = Dom7;

var app = new Framework7({
  root: '#app', // App root element

  id: 'io.framework7.myapp', // App bundle ID
  name: 'Gazelle', // App name
  theme: 'auto', // Automatic theme detection

  // App root data
  data: function () {
    return {
      user: {
        firstName: 'John',
        lastName: 'Doe',

  // App root methods
  methods: {
    helloWorld: function () {
      app.dialog.alert('Hello World!');
  // App routes
  routes: routes,

  // Input settings
  input: {
    scrollIntoViewOnFocus: Framework7.device.cordova && !Framework7.device.electron,
    scrollIntoViewCentered: Framework7.device.cordova && !Framework7.device.electron,
  // Cordova Statusbar settings
  statusbar: {
    iosOverlaysWebView: true,
    androidOverlaysWebView: false,
  on: {
    init: function () {
      var f7 = this;
      if (f7.device.cordova) {
        // Init cordova APIs (see cordova-app.js)

var view = app.views.create(".view-main",{
  url: '/'

var swiper = app.swiper.create('.swiper-container', {
    speed: 400,
    spaceBetween: 0








  app.dialog.alert("This is the first test", "Just testing");



var routes = [
** {**
** path: ‘/’,**
** url: ‘./index.html’,**
** },**
** {**
** path: ‘/onboarding-two/’,**
** url: ‘./pages/user/onboarding-two.html’,**
** },**
** {**
** path: ‘/onboarding-three/’,**
** url: ‘./pages/user/onboarding-three.html’,**
** },**
** {**
** path: ‘/about/’,**
** url: ‘./pages/about.html’,**
** },**
** {**
** path: ‘/form/’,**
** url: ‘./pages/form.html’,**
** },**

You can install the app and try it out here

Make sure you are running cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine

Thanks i found the fix for the problem, i had to set the prefrence value in cordova/config.xml
to true.

<preference name="AutoHideSplashScreen" value="true" />