Navigating to detail page not fires master page's load

I’m developing a small app with framework7 latest version (v.6)

I have this routes in routes.js file:

	var routes = [
			name: 'home',
			path: '/desk',
			async({ app, router, to, from, resolve, reject }) {
				if(userIsGuest != 1)
					resolve({componentUrl: 'desk/default/home'});
					resolve({componentUrl: 'desk/default/login'});
			master(app, router) {
				return app.device.desktop;
			detailRoutes: [
					name: 'ticketDetail',
					path: '/desk/ticket/:ticketId',
					componentUrl: '/desk/ticket/view?id={{ticketId}}',
					options: {
						animate: false,

If, after login, I navigate to “ticketDetail” route with:

$f7router.navigate( { name: 'ticketDetail', params: { ticketId: 180 } } );

master page (home) is not loaded!

Instead if I reload page (http://dev.italpaghe/desk#!/desk/ticket/180) it works fine. Why?

And if you disable browserHistory/pushState it works?

No, it not works… :frowning:

Also seems like you are using F7 project not in the root (is it in the /desk subfolder?). In this case change routes to / as root, and set correctly browserHistoryRoot in view settings

No, “desk” is a sub-module of main site (friendly url), so the /desk path is the root of the F7 project. However I will make a try

No way, it not works… I changed main route to “/” path and I setted “/desk as `browserHistoryRoot”, it loads only detail view, in full page mode

Would be really helpful if you can setup simple project where issue can be reproducible using template from this topic How to ask a good question on forum

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I restarted my project from your core template at I discovered that this problem occours when home and login are in same route rule with async function (as above), instead if I split them it works, in this way:

  name: "login",
  path: "/login",
  componentUrl: './pages/login.html',
  name: "home",
  path: "/",
  componentUrl: './pages/home.html',      
  master(app, router) {
    return true;
  detailRoutes: [
      name: "ticketDetail",
      path: "/pages/ticket/:ticketId",
      componentUrl: "./pages/ticket.html",
      options: {
        animate: false,
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