One method to automatically update several inputs/controls

I tried composing a simple function to hold and update values as user inputs into a control by passing the event_handler and the input_selector as arguments to my function. But my browser console returns an error "Typeerror e is undefined;’

It’s annoyingly stressful to compose separate functions to set/update the values of variables initialized in data function via the $setState and $update hooks.

Your code wrong, you missed $
updateEvent($event, busines_name)

just chante it to

updateFieldValue (e) {
  this.field =

but you can manage to save all the inputs in just one function

// wrap all your inputs in a form
<form class='list no-hairlines no-margin my-form'>
    // all inputs here!
        // use the same handler for every input!
      <input @input='formHandler'  name='business_name'/>
formHandler (e) {
  // use f7 form api to retrive all the data
  const myFormData = app.form.convertToData('.my-form')
  // now you have all the inputs value with their name prop in myFormData.

you can also populate the form with data

app.form.fillFromData('.my-form', myFormData )

With this approach, how is it gonna know which property to assign/bind the input value to?

updateFieldValue (e) {
  this.field =

you have the full input there, it props, value, class, etc.

How are you gonna print the inputted value for every input-control using the string interpolation syntax
say, {{ field }} since this.field represents only one property under your data function.

<input type=“text” name=“business_name” value="{{business_name}}" @input=“updateFieldValue”>

<input type=“text” name=“business_location” value="{{business_location}}" @input=“updateFieldValue”>

export default {

  data() {

    return {

      field: null,
  methods: function() {

     updateFieldValue (e) {
         this.field =



sorry i dont understand what you are asking. You want to store all the inputs in only one fieldData?

data () {
  return {
    field: 'asd'  

Okay here is what i want to do.
I want to use only one function to update multiple properties that i have binded to my DOM inputs.

<input type=“text” name=“business_name” value="{{business_name}}" @input=“updateFieldValue”>

<input type=“text” name=“business_location” value="{{business_location}}" @input=“updateFieldValue”>

Now I want to define a single function that I can pass the prop as an argument to when am making input.

<input type=“text” name=“business_name” value="{{business_name}}" @input=“updateFieldValue(business_name)”>

<input type=“text” name=“business_location” value="{{business_location}}" @input=“updateFieldValue(business_location)”>

In that way, I can be able to pass in a prop and get the data/value anytime

data () {
  return {
    yourForm: {
      'business_name': '',
      'business_location': '',
updateFieldValue (e) {
   this.yourForm[] =

Well done bro. That worked!

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