Open Letter to creator of Framework7

Hello, everyone.
I am writing this post of personal considerations as a daily user of this framework for job and for personal project.
First of all, I’d like to thank @nolimits4web for creating this framework because it’s so easy to use and well done that you might think it’s pure fantasy. But it is not. The ios and android versions are so pixel perfect that they don’t make you regret other more famous css frameworks.

However, there are some points that I would like to see in the future version v7 of fw7.
I will try to be as brief as possible for each point, but if the points are of common interest we could open a discussion on them.

  1. First of all it would be nice to see a general refresh of the documentation. The documentation is the most boring part for a developer, I know, but every time I need to look for something I keep having this feeling of disorientation that I don’t find in other frameworks. Comparing myself with other colleagues who regularly use this framework confirms this. It would be nice to have a new layout that is less dispersive and above all has more examples for each components.

  2. Although the themes for ios and android are perfect, the same cannot be said for aurora theme. What’s the point of having a pc theme if it’s just a less polished version of ios? The components themselves are not designed for desktop use, the tabs for example always take 100% of the width of the device instead of centering the elements of the list. If you want to continue to support PCs it would be better to have more support for wide desktop screens. Otherwise the third theme could be a mobile first theme, but one that can be used for both operating systems. (An example could be a style theme, which is used in both android and ios).

  3. A feature that would make the framework much more complete would be an auth system integrated into the framework. 99% of apps that use authentication have pages that can be viewed when authenticated and others that can be viewed even if the user is not authenticated. It would be nice to have a system built into the route system to redirect the user from one route to another in case of authentication. I’ve written several walkarounds for various apps to do this, but having it integrated into the framework natively would be great. I mean something like a route param like:

            path: '/myPage/',
            component: MyPageComponent,
            needAuthentication: true|false, 
           redirectIfNotAuthenticated: '/login/'

and an f7 method like: $f7.setUserAuth(true)/$f7.sethUserAuthToken('myBarerToken').
It shouldn’t be hard to integrate into the route flow and would make a difference for us developer.

  1. Another fundamental feature of all frameworks, especially in mobile apps, is multi-language management, which is totally absent in f7. Having a system integrated into the f7 core, even if simple, would be great. From my point of view, it would be a matter of having some parameters in the f7 configuration such as:
  • default language,
  • supported languages
  • behaviour in case of a missing string (replacement with the default language and/or empty string).

And in the pages component you could load the i18n library like:

export default async(props, { $, $f7, $i18n })

or $f7.i18n so that the instance can also be used in external libraries.


I read it in the hope of really seeing what is not there. But everything is already in the box, and the translation - there are special excellent libraries for this - what’s the point of doing it in F7.

I recommend that you don’t use Core.
For Vue/React there are excellent libraries for i18

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Hi there, thank you for sharing this :slight_smile:

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thank you for sharing this :slight_smile:.

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