Outdated npm packages. Maybe you could use ncu (npm-check-updates)

Hi Vladimir, more than a question, this is a suggestion.

I use very often this package to validate the latest versions of npm modules in package.json:

This is a list of the outdated modules used in your latest version of Framework7 (Apr 9, 2021). All of them are used to build Framework7, so maybe it’s not a big deal for you.

$ cd framework7
$ ncu
Checking framework7/package.json
[====================] 51/51 100%

 swiper                       ^6.4.15  β†’    ^6.5.6     
 @babel/cli                   ^7.12.1  β†’  ^7.13.14     
 @babel/core                  ^7.12.3  β†’  ^7.13.15     
 @babel/preset-env            ^7.12.1  β†’  ^7.13.15     
 @babel/preset-react          ^7.12.1  β†’  ^7.13.13     
 @rollup/plugin-babel          ^5.2.1  β†’    ^5.3.0     
 @rollup/plugin-commonjs      ^16.0.0  β†’   ^18.0.0     
 @rollup/plugin-node-resolve  ^10.0.0  β†’   ^11.2.1     
 @rollup/plugin-replace        ^2.3.3  β†’    ^2.4.2     
 @vitejs/plugin-vue            ^1.1.4  β†’    ^1.2.1     
 @vue/compiler-sfc             ^3.0.4  β†’   ^3.0.11     
 autoprefixer                 ^10.0.1  β†’   ^10.2.5     
 clean-css                     ^4.2.3  β†’    ^5.1.2     
 concurrently                  ^5.3.0  β†’    ^6.0.1     
 cross-env                     ^7.0.2  β†’    ^7.0.3     
 eslint                       ^7.12.1  β†’   ^7.24.0     
 eslint-config-airbnb-base    ^14.2.0  β†’   ^14.2.1     
 eslint-config-prettier       ^6.14.0  β†’    ^8.1.0     
 eslint-plugin-prettier        ^3.1.4  β†’    ^3.3.1     
 eslint-plugin-react          ^7.21.5  β†’   ^7.23.2     
 eslint-plugin-svelte3         ^2.7.3  β†’    ^3.1.2     
 eslint-plugin-vue             ^7.1.0  β†’    ^7.8.0     
 exec-sh                       ^0.3.4  β†’    ^0.4.0     
 husky                         ^4.3.0  β†’    ^6.0.0     
 inquirer                      ^7.3.3  β†’    ^8.0.0     
 less                          ^4.1.0  β†’    ^4.1.1     
 postcss                       ^8.1.4  β†’    ^8.2.9     
 prettier                      ^2.1.2  β†’    ^2.2.1     
 prettier-plugin-svelte        ^1.4.1  β†’    ^2.2.0     
 react                        ^17.0.1  β†’   ^17.0.2     
 react-dom                    ^17.0.1  β†’   ^17.0.2     
 rollup                       ^2.32.1  β†’   ^2.45.1     
 svelte                       ^3.29.4  β†’   ^3.37.0     
 svelte-loader                ^2.13.6  β†’    ^3.1.0     
 terser                        ^5.3.8  β†’    ^5.6.1     
 vite                          ^2.0.1  β†’    ^2.1.5     

Run ncu -u to upgrade package.json

If you want to update all the outdated modules in package.json you have to run

$ ncu -u 
$ npm install

Just in case that it’s useful for you.

Best regards