Pages Routes not working correctly

I’m really sorry to create another topic but I really need to understand the Routes for correct menu navigation because I really love this framework7 and special thanks to Vladimir Kharlampidi for create this beautiful and simple framework .

My problem here is when I click on page link it’s working not correctly, just one link work correctly(‘searchcarrier.html’).

Thanks for help!

Here is my code:
<----- JS File -->
var $$ = Dom7;

var app = new Framework7({

root: "#app",
name: "Track My Parcel",
id: "com.hubeidev.trackmyparcel",

routes: [
	path: 'aboutus',
	url: './template/aboutus.html',
	path: '/searchcarrier/',
	url: './template/searchcarrier.html',
	path: 'givefeedback',
	url: './template/givefeedback.html',
	path: 'contactus',
	url: './template/contactus.html',
	path: '/',
	url: 'index.html',


var mainView = app.views.create(’.view-main’);

var leftPanel = app.panel.create({
el: ‘.panel-left’,


<— HTML File ----->

<div class="list links-list">
                            <li class="mainMenu">
                                <a href="/index/">Home</a>
                            <li class="mainMenu">
                                <a href="/searchcarrier/">Carrier List</a>
                            <li class="mainMenu">
                                <a href="/aboutus/">About Us</a>
                            <li class="mainMenu">
                                <a href="/givefeedback/">Give a feedback</a>
                            <li class="mainMenu">
                                <a href="/contactus/">Contact us</a>

Thanks again!

I hope this helps you, here is my working logic for the routes:

1)At the bottom of the index.html I added this:

    <!-- App routes -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/app.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/routes.js"></script>

2)in the js/route.js I added this:

routes = [
path: ‘/’,
url: ‘./index.html’,
path: ‘/createreport/’,
url: ‘./pages/createreport.html’,
path: ‘/viewreports/’,
url: ‘./pages/viewreports.html’,
path: ‘/select/’,
url: ‘./pages/select.html’,
path: ‘/register/’,
url: ‘./pages/register.html’,
path: ‘/contact/’,
url: ‘./pages/contact.html’,
// Default route (404 page). MUST BE THE LAST
path: ‘(.*)’,
url: ‘./pages/404.html’,

3)I have organized my pages as:


and so on…

4)in app.js I have this:

var $$ = Dom7;
var app = new Framework7({
root: ‘#app’, // App root element
id: ‘’, // App bundle ID
name: ‘AppName’, // App name
theme: ‘auto’,

routes: routes,

on: {
// each object key means same name event handler
pageInit: function (page) {},
popupOpen: function (popup) {
// do something on popup open
//Which page to load when the app initialize
var homeView = app.views.create(’#view-login’, {url: ‘/login/’});

5)In each html page I added this code:

//Your forms, login or whatever html code goes there

Hope this helps you troubleshooting your code.

You have to specify your paths with the backslashes, like “\path” and use the same in your link.


routes: [
path: '/aboutus/',
url: './template/aboutus.html',

 <a href="/aboutus/">About us</a>

Searchcarrier is already working because you used the backslashes there.