Panel swipe not working?


I am in the process of migrating from V4 to V5+, in doing so things for the most part are working good, however the panel swipe does not seem to work.

Following the migration guide I created the panel as an object and make the calls for width etc. When setting the object

  panel = app.panel.create({
    el: '.panel-left',
    swipe: true

it loads up just fine however the swipe to open or close does not seem to be working as it had previously. Is there anything else I need to set?

I will also note, there are no errors in the console.

Please post whole related code, including layout of the panel


This is the full function where I call the panel ( this also build out the header / footer )

Basically, it creates the panel, then depending on if specific items are open or a page that has swipe capabilities it will disable the swipe.

function buildHeader(style,swipe){
  panel = app.panel.create({
    el: '.panel-left',
    swipe: true


  if ( swipe != undefined && swipe == "noSwipe")
  if (isWeb != true) {
    $$(".topLogo").html("<img src='" + localStorage.getItem('topLogoURI') + "' id='headerTopLogo'>");
    $$(".topLogo").html("<img src='" + localStorage.getItem('logoURL') + "' id='headerTopLogo'>");
  //now build the side slideout
  //Change the header and footer colors
  //we also want to check the alerts and see if we should build a badge for the alerts bar

  if (localStorage.getItem('alertsOld') != localStorage.getItem('alerts')) {
    //we know they do not match, lets see by how many
    let oldMsgCount = "0";
    let currentMsgCount = "0";
    if ( localStorage.getItem("alertsOld") == "" )
    oldMsgCount = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('alertsOld')).length;
    currentMsgCount = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('alerts')).length;
    let badgeCount = currentMsgCount - oldMsgCount;

      $$(".bottomBtn-alert").html('<i class="f7-icons icon material-icons md-only">bell_fill<span class="badge color-red">' + badgeCount + '</span></i><span class="tabbar-label">Alerts</span>');



Each page has the same panel code that we inject in the actual panel on the page init

<div class="navbar"><div class="navbar-bg"></div>
    <div class="navbar-inner sliding">
      <div class="left webbar">
        <a href="#" class="link icon-only panel-open" data-panel="left">
          <i class="icon f7-icons ios-only">menu</i>
          <i class="icon material-icons md-only">menu</i>
      <div class="topLogo"></div>
      <div class="right">
