Photo Browser working in browser but not in android

Hi everybody. i have a strange bug…
Photo Browser is working perfectly in browser but not in android device or android emulator…
when i debbug i have no error … but this is what i get in android device :

<div class="page photo-browser-page photo-browser-page-dark no-toolbar no-navbar" data-name="photo-browser-page">
   <div class="photo-browser-captions photo-browser-captions-dark"></div>
   <div class="photo-browser-swiper-container swiper-container swiper-container-initialized swiper-container-horizontal swiper-container-android">
      <div class="photo-browser-swiper-wrapper swiper-wrapper"></div>

and this is what i get in browser :

<div class="page photo-browser-page photo-browser-page-dark no-toolbar no-navbar" data-name="photo-browser-page">
   <div class="photo-browser-captions photo-browser-captions-dark"></div>
   <div class="photo-browser-swiper-container swiper-container swiper-container-virtual swiper-container-initialized swiper-container-horizontal">
      <div class="photo-browser-swiper-wrapper swiper-wrapper" id="swiper-wrapper-a16bc4e788248e109" aria-live="polite">
         <div class="photo-browser-slide photo-browser-slide-lazy swiper-slide swiper-slide-active" data-swiper-slide-index="0" style="left: 0px; width: 360px; margin-right: 20px;" role="group" aria-label="1 / 1"><span class="swiper-zoom-container"><img class="swiper-lazy swiper-lazy-loaded" src="my_image"></span></div>
      <span class="swiper-notification" aria-live="assertive" aria-atomic="true"></span>

my js code

  var lien2 = $(this).attr('src'); 
  var myPhotoBrowserStandalone = $f7.photoBrowser.create({photos: [lien2,],theme: 'dark',toolbar:false,navbar:false});;

Did u resolve the problem?

No… Problem not resolved… Please a solution for me ?

It is Cordova project… a brand new project created with f7 cli… I am using the lastest version of f7 and npm and node js

To preview i just run

  • npm run
    And open it in localhost:3000

I have try many times with différents pc . I still get the same bug… But no error in console

I faced another issue with the photo browser recently. I had issues when I tried to open it on a specific index. The bug was solved by manually upgrading swiper to the newest version.
Maybe this could help you as well.