Placeholder detail page in master-detail view

I have a simple master-detail view that looks like this:
path: ‘/messages’,
url: ‘/ajax_loading.php?link1=messages-list’,
master: true,
detailRoutes: [
path: ‘/messages/:a/’,
componentUrl: ‘/ajax_loading.php?link1=messages&user={{a}}’,

The problem is when it’s first loaded into view (/messages), it loads the home page (/) as the main detail root. How could I replace the default detail root with a placeholder page?
Best regards;

It keeps showing the main page as the root detail page. I have tried this:

            path: '/messages/',

            url: '/ajax_loading.php?link1=messages-list',

            master: true,

            detailRoutes: [


                    path: '/messages/',

                    componentUrl: '/ajax_loading.php?link1=messages&user=11',



                    path: '/messages/:a/',

                    componentUrl: '/ajax_loading.php?link1=messages&user={{a}}',




But didn’t work! :frowning:

Not sure what happens, but would be good to see the minimal live example using template from this thread How to ask a good question on forum

It is hard to simulate, since the files are pulled from a url.
But, I can explain better.
This is what I see when I enter the master path:

You can notice that the details page is showing a page out of order. Which is my main page:

In minimal live demo project on CodeSandbox we don’t need all those files (images, etc.). Just a minimal layout replicating the issue