Popover remains open on navigating to another page

I have a popover but when I click on the link that navigates to another component, the popover remains opened.

<div class="popover popover-action-links">
    <div class="popover-inner">
        <div class="list">
                <li><a class="list-button item-link" href="#">Captain Signature</a></li>
                <li><a class="list-button item-link" href="#" id="goto-client-signature">Client Signature</a>
                <li><a class="list-button item-link" href="#">Export File</a></li>

Code for redirecting

        $$("body").on("click", "#goto-client-signature", function (e) {
            app.views.main.router.navigate('/client/' + self.clientId + '/' + self.clientRev + '', { reloadCurrent: false });

add popover-close class to your links.

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Wow! It worked, thanks a lot.