Prevent "global" swipe on side panel

I currently have the swipe option available for side panels. I also have a horizontally scrollable list of chips/tags on one page. When scrolling through that list, the side panel unintentionally opens. Is there a way to prevent that? I tried the solution below, but that didn’t work.

const PreventSwipe = () => {

<div onscroll={PreventSwipe} ontouchstart={PreventSwipe} ontouchmove={PreventSwipe}>
  list of horizontally scrollable tags
<div class="no-swipe-panel">
  list of horizontally scrollable tags

haha you gotta be kidding me right? It can’t be THAT easy :wink:
Is this documented somewhere btw?

source => ‘.range-slider, .tabs-swipeable-wrap, .calendar-months, .no-swipe-panel, .card-opened’,

Right. That’s not officially documentation but I’ll take it. Thanks @deejay!

i can’t find it in docs
but you should read source too