Problem : Action sheet show up more than once

Hi,I’m quite new in javascript and I’m not sure if I do something wrong.
When I’m open the page and click to open on action sheet then I go back to the previous page then click the same page that have the same action sheet and when I click to open same action sheet it open more than once.
here my code.

please help

var uploadAction;
$$(document).on('page:init', '.page[data-name="post"]', function (e, page) {
   $$(document).on('click', '.upload-img-ac', function () {;
   uploadAction = app.actions.create({
       //.....some code about action

Change your code to:

$$(document).on('page:init', '.page[data-name="post"]', function (e, page) {
   page.$el.on('click', '.upload-img-ac', function () {;
   uploadAction = app.actions.create({
       //.....some code about action

It’s work!!
Thank you so much.