Problemas simples (statusbar, tab-link)

Alguém poderia me ajudar com este problema?
(Help me it problem, thanks!)

Estou com um problema simples, mas não sei resolver, alguém poderia me dizer por que a statusbar não desce e a tab-link não marca?

Segue link do vídeo:

(I have a simple problem, but I do not know how to solve it, could someone tell me why statusbar does not go down and the tab-link does not?)

But do you actually see in app? The issue? Also did you install cordova-statusbar-plugin?


Instalado, (installed)

I mean can you show a screenshot on what you see on device?

App run

Code html


Ok, and what is in your config.xml regarding status bar?


Ok, the problem is that it won’t be enabled automatically because of system toolbar at the bottom. The condition in F7 to enable it is when the app takes whole device screen. So for Android, you need to disable F7’s statusbar handler and configure it in config.xml instead