PTR not forcing contents down

Hello everyone,

Again I have a question about this awesome framework.

How do I get pull to refresh to move the page contents down when activated? I’ve tried setting various display and position css classes but still the floaty arrow… floats. I want it to shift the page down as it is dragged down by the user.


Sorry didn’t get what you mean. Can you explain more detailed (screenshot?) on what you are trying to achieve?

Thanks for your reply. I’ve made the following images to demonstrate my case.

As it is, when the user pulls down to refresh, the PTR icon moves over the top of the page content.

How I would like to do it is-as follows… when the user pulls down to refresh, the icon and whatever else in the PTR element comes down, moving the page content down also.


Nice illustrations :grinning::+1: F7 mimics native behavior so what you are talking about is the default behavior for iOS theme (when content pulled down), and preloader only moves in MD theme. This can’t be changed at the moment but I will check maybe I can parametrize this

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Haha, thanks.

What is odd is that I’m using the MD theme and getting the IOS behaviour. Unless I’ve forgotten to define -md on the PTR… is that something I needed to have done?


You get the correct behavior, in MD theme - only preloader moves, not the content

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