pushState and history not working

hello to all…
i am using framework7 with componentUrl logic
I want to allow isers to go back with the built in android back button and alsow with the back button of framework7. and also the url not change when navigate to flights.html page… :frowning:
i am using pushstate :true , and history: true at the options object at routs… like that:

var app = new Framework7({
// App root element
root: ‘#app’,
// App Name
name: ‘Tour’,
// App id
id: ‘com.Tour.tour’,
// Add default routes
routes: [
path: ‘/flights/’,
url: ‘./flights.html’,
options: {
pushState: true,
history: true,
path: ‘/home/’,
url: ‘index.html’,
options: {
pushState: true,
history: true,
on: {
// each object key means same name event handler
pageInit: function (page) {

// ... other parameters


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Did you solve it? I also encountered this problem, Tianyi, I’m going to crash!

Hi… me 2. I didnt reaolve this issue yet :persevere:

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Push state must be enabled in View parameters http://framework7.io/docs/view.html#view-parameters

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