Quotes-Inspirational , motivational , life quotes

Quotes is a application for quotes which inspires, motivates you. It brings you over 5000 quotes from different well-known personalities around the globe.
We’re delighted to announce the second app in our ecosystem knows as “Quotes”. It comes with over 5000 quotes , 11 different background bundled under 2.5 MB which is even less than that of a image. Amazing isn’t? Morever, it works without an internet connection which makes it your go-to companion in low or no network areas.
Visit play store and download it now.
I would like to know your views about it and features you may like to see in future updates

Thanks for sharing! How about adding it to Showcase at https://framework7.io/showcase/ ?

Yes, you can add it to showcase, let me know in case you require any information for it

Can you send a pull request with your app to F7 website to https://github.com/framework7io/framework7-website ?

Just a heads up, i opened a pull request

Thanks, merged and published!

Sorry but i do not understand how it is related or useful for this application or framework7 in general. It would be helpful if you may elaborate on your link.