ReferenceError: Can't find variable: router


I’m trying to use this code: router.navigate('/about/', { transition: 'f7-cover' });

But I’m getting this error: ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: router

why is that and how can I solve this issue?

This is my routes.js code:

var routes = [
    path: '/',
    url: './index.html',
    path: '/about/',
    url: './pages/about.html',
    path: '/profile/',
    url: './pages/profile.html',
    path: '/notifications/',
    url: './pages/notifications.html',
    path: '/notification/',
    url: './pages/notification.html',
    path: '/form/',
    url: './pages/form.html',
    path: '/catalog/',
    componentUrl: './pages/catalog.html',
    path: '/product/:id/',
    componentUrl: './pages/product.html',
    path: '/settings/',
    url: './pages/settings.html',

    path: '/dynamic-route/blog/:blogId/post/:postId/',
    componentUrl: './pages/dynamic-route.html',
    path: '/request-and-load/user/:userId/',
    async: function ({ router, to, resolve }) {
      // App instance
      var app =;

      // Show Preloader;

      // User ID from request
      var userId = to.params.userId;

      // Simulate Ajax Request
      setTimeout(function () {
        // We got user data from request
        var user = {
          firstName: 'Vladimir',
          lastName: 'Kharlampidi',
          about: 'Hello, i am creator of Framework7! Hope you like it!',
          links: [
              title: 'Framework7 Website',
              url: '',
              title: 'Framework7 Forum',
              url: '',
        // Hide Preloader

        // Resolve route to load page
            componentUrl: './pages/request-and-load.html',
            props: {
              user: user,
      }, 1000);
  // Default route (404 page). MUST BE THE LAST
    path: '(.*)',
    url: './pages/404.html',

and this is how I call the transition to another page:

var $$ = Dom7;

var app = new Framework7({

  on: {
    init() {

if(localStorage.getItem('firstname') != null){

      var firstName = localStorage.getItem('firstname');


  name: 'My App', // App name
  theme: 'md', // Automatic theme detection
  el: '#app', // App root element

  // App store
  store: store,
  // App routes
  routes: routes,

$(document).on('click', '.button', function () {

router.navigate('/about/', { transition: 'f7-cover' });


More complete example would help How to ask a good question on forum

Please view my edit.

Then issue is correct, there is no router defined in your scoped. You probably should change it to

app.views.main.router.navigate('/about/', { transition: 'f7-cover' });