Released vue-cli-plugin-framework7 for Vue CLI 3

Hello guys,

a quick post to inform the release fd a vue3 cli plugin for framework7 to speed up the creation of new project with Framework7 and new Vue-Cli v3.

Here the link of the package on NPM

Here the repository on github

Feel free to use the issue to contribute to the project.

How to Use
You need Vue CLI 3 installed globally as a pre-requisite. If you don’t have it, please run

npm install -g @vue/cli
Create a new Project

vue create project-name
Enter insiede the directory project and install vue-cli-plugin-framework7

cd project-name

To add Framework7 support to your vue-cli-powered project, run the following command in the project root folder:

vue add framework7

You will be prompted to choose if you want to add the Framewor7 example application. If you pick yes option, the example application will replace the example Vue App in your project.


npm run serve
and browse to http://localhost:8080/ to test your new Vue Framework7 Boilerplate project. :slight_smile:


That is ultra nice! Thanks for sharing! :+1:


I used your repository, vue-cli-plugin-framework7, in my work lately. I found that it replied an error message said, “SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘x’ “ I’d like to know how I can fix this or what I should do on Webpack.