Reload page not showing updates (CRUD)

I’m trying to crate a basic CRUD F7+React.
I managed to show the items list and from there to the edit/delete item page.
But when I go back from item page to the list page, the updates do not show.

The items list page is loaded in router.js like this:

path: ‘/item/:itemId’,
beforeEnter: validateIfAuthNeeded,
async: function ({ router, to, resolve }) {
loadPage(‘item’, to, router, resolve, ItemsList)

if i change as suggested in the forum as follow:

path: ‘/item/:itemId’,
on: {
pageBeforeIn: function (event, page) {
this.navigate(this.currentRoute.url, {
reloadCurrent: true,
ignoreCache: true,
pageAfterIn: function (event){
beforeEnter: validateIfAuthNeeded,
async: function ({ router, to, resolve }) {
loadPage(‘item’, to, router, resolve, ItemsList)

I enter in an endless loop …

Any idea how to go back to page and have it reloaded with updated items?
