Remove all form data

Is there a way to remove all form data ever stored for an app? Kind of like app.form.removeFormData() but for everything.
I may have chopped and changed with data ids whilst developing and would like to flush everything out.

window.localStorage.clear() :slight_smile:

Or manually go through every localStorage entry and delete the ones which names start with f7form-

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Thanks for that.

Another localStorage related question… Do I need to reference $app or app inside a method for the form functionality?
I’ve been going this but I wondered if it’s wrong? Do I need app = self.$app or should I leave it out?

methods: {
  someFunction: function() {
    var self = this, app = self.$app;
    var data = {};
    app.form.storeFormData('id', data);

You need to keep it like you do

@nolimits4web. I’m trying to trace a bug in my app related to a app.form.storeFormData() call… I wanted to see if data is actually getting stored at certain points. How can I hook into the event? I’m trying this but it’s not showing anything in the console :

  return {
    methods: {
      onFormStoreData: function (form, data) {
    on: {
      pageInit: function() {
        const self = this, app = this.$app;
        app.form.storeFormData('test', { foo: 'bar' });
    created: function() {
      const self = this, app = self.$app;
      app.on('formStoreData', self.onFormStoreData);
    beforeDestroy: function() {
      const self = this, app = self.$app;'formStoreData', self.onFormStoreData);

I notice that this event is getting triggered only on my settings page where there is a form with class .form-store-data but not when I am manually calling app.form.storeFormData(). What am I doing wrong?

  return {
      onFormStoreData: function (form, data) {
    on: {
        const self = this, app = this.$app;
        app.emit('myFormStoreData','test',{ foo: 'bar' });
        //app.form.storeFormData('test', { foo: 'bar' });
      const self = this, app = self.$app;
      app.on('myFormStoreData', self.onFormStoreData);
      //app.on('formStoreData', self.onFormStoreData);
      const self = this, app = self.$app;'myFormStoreData', self.onFormStoreData);
      //'formStoreData', self.onFormStoreData);

Could you explain this please. I don’t understand how emitting a fake event helps?

My problem is that it seems to not be saving the data and I want to be able to hook into the save event to debug.


emit itself on a “real” element

you are not using it correctly
so the “emit” get lost somewhere



is “sync call”

  'the data has been stored, for sure!\
   otherwise you not gonna see this output'

Do you think it might be a problem that my id is storage?

app.form.storeFormData('storage', {foo:'bar'});

Some context of my problem, I cannot seem to store my local cached file name under the storage localStorage namespace :

<img src="{{image}}">

  return {
    data: function () {
      var self = this, app = this.$app;
      var data = app.form.getFormData('storage');
      var image = data.imagelocal ? data.imagelocal : data.image;
      return {
        data: app.form.getFormData('storage'),
        data: data,
        image: image
    methods: {
     cacheImage: function (src) {
        var self = this, app = self.$app, data =;
        ImgCache.isCached(src, function(path, success) {
          if (success) {
            console.log('already cached');
          } else {
            ImgCache.cacheFile(path, function (localpath) {
              console.log('adding cache image : '+localpath);
              data.imagelocal = localpath;
              app.form.storeFormData('storage', data);
    on: {
      pageInit: function() {
        const self = this, app = this.$app, data =;
        // I would expect this to show a local image path on second page visit

absolutely NO problem with namespace => ‘storage’

“this” inside pageInit has a completely different context
from “this” inside methods

fix it

I’m not sure what you mean, I logged out both from a method call and from pageInit and they look the same…

my meastake

thought you are using “page” instead of “this”