Requiremnts for creating a mobile app with framework7

Good evening…I would like it if u could tell me the requirements which are needed before I can successfully build a mobile app with framework7. I’ve used the framework7 CLI to install the

been working with the framework7-react version for a while now used it to build a web app, but I will like to convert to mobile app.

You just need to compile the app, f7 will do the rest, just make sure you use theme ‘ios’ or ‘md’ or ‘auto’

Alright…thanks, will get back to you

Also I think you need to have SDKs installed to compile. As always, things are much more complex with iOS and Apple. You may also try PhoneGap Build (free for small apps): but for iOS you will always need a developer licence ($99).

Alright thanks, I’ll update here once I’ve tried the processes

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What platform will your mobile app be targeted at? (ie iOS, Android, desktop)

Android and IOS … I’ve fixed it though, just had to ensure all thr requirements for using cordova were installed on my PC, In summary they’re:

  • Android SDK
  • Gradle

I made use of this post in setting up my environment for Android