Routable Panels

I am using router for popups I am having 2 issues:

  1. My toolbar(located in index.html) is not viewable in popup so I’ve added it again in my content: ‘’ , not sure if this is correct, it works but would prefer not to have duplicate content to maintain.

  2. I cannot open the modal using:’#popup-logged-success’, true); need to open in programatically as it depends on the success of another function.

     path: '/popup-logged-success/',
     popup: {
     	content: `
     	<div id="popup-logged-success"  class="success-popup popup popup-tablet-fullscreen">
     		<div class="view">
     			<div class="page">
     				<div class="full-page">
     					<a href="#" class="link popup-close back-arrow"></a>
     					<div class="success-msg">
     						Thanks *******<br>
     						You can view the progress<br>
     						of your call through<br>
     						the Activity Tab
     			<div class="toolbar toolbar-bottom main-toolbar no-shadow">
     				<div class="toolbar-inner">
     					<a href="/log-call/" class="link log-call">Log Call</a>
     					<a href="/activity-overview/" class="link activity">Activity</a>                       
     					<a href="/contact/" class="link msgs">Contact</a>

In order to avoid duplication, first create a name of the html content that you dont want to duplicate and register it in the template7-helpers-list.js file:

module.exports = [‘toolbarContent’]

Then in the index.js file, before app initialization, register the content as a template7 partial:

import Template7 from ‘Template7’;

Template7.registerPartial(‘toolbarContent’, `
    <div class="toolbar toolbar-bottom main-toolbar no-shadow">
 				<div class="toolbar-inner">
 					<a href="/log-call/" class="link log-call">Log Call</a>
 					<a href="/activity-overview/" class="link activity">Activity</a>                       
 					<a href="/contact/" class="link msgs">Contact</a>

Then you can call this partial anywhere you need it in your html components;

  1. Also to open a popup you need to initialize it before opening. So:
    el: “#popup-logged-success”

Then later when you need it you can open it