Routable tabs as views

I have a F7 V5 cordova app set up with routable tabs as views using components in my router. 3 tabs. Main, Events, Join.

After initially loading the app, if I console.log( app.views) I can see all these views in the object. See below for output.

I have a button in the main view that has a click handler which is supposed to route the user to the Events tab/view with the following method: app.views.eventsView.router.navigate( {name:‘eventPage’, params: { eventID: ‘20S113’} });

router component looks like:
path: ‘/events/:eventID?’,
name: ‘eventPage’,
component: EventsPage,


However, this does not appear to work. I thought that if the view is initialized this navigation method would work.

Ironically, when I change the button click to do app.views.mainView.router.navigate( {name:‘eventPage’, params: { eventID: ‘20S113’} }); (note mainView ) it does work, but then selecting the home/mainview TAB does not work.

I’m sure there’s a logical explanation, but I just can’t figure it out. Any advice is greatly appreciated.


  1. (3) [View, View, View, current: (…), main: View, mainView: View, create: ƒ, get: ƒ, …]

  2. current: (…)

  3. 0: View {eventsParents: Array(1), eventsListeners: {…}, params: {…}, routes: Array(10), app: Framework7, …}

  4. 1: View {eventsParents: Array(1), eventsListeners: {…}, params: {…}, routes: Array(10), app: Framework7, …}

  5. 2: View {eventsParents: Array(1), eventsListeners: {…}, params: {…}, routes: Array(10), app: Framework7, …}

  6. create: ƒ create(el, params)

  7. get: ƒ (viewEl)

  8. main: View {eventsParents: Array(1), eventsListeners: {…}, params: {…}, routes: Array(10), app: Framework7, …}

  9. mainView: View {eventsParents: Array(1), eventsListeners: {…}, params: {…}, routes: Array(10), app: Framework7, …}

  10. eventsView: View {eventsParents: Array(1), eventsListeners: {…}, params: {…}, routes: Array(10), app: Framework7, …}

  11. joinView: View {eventsParents: Array(1), eventsListeners: {…}, params: {…}, routes: Array(10), app: Framework7, …}

  12. length: 3

  13. get current: ƒ ()

  14. proto: Array(0)

Thank you.