Router: Pop both current and previous pages

How do I pop both the current and previous page of the router stack?
I tried setting options as follows but it is not working:

reloadCurrent: true,
reloadPrevious: true

what do you mean by pop? as in remove from history, or…?

Let’s say history is like this:

Page4 => active page
Page3 => third page in history
Page2 => second page in history
Page1 => first page in history

I then want to load Page5 and remove Page 4 and Page 3 so that Page 5 shows and the history looks like this:

Page5 => new active page
Page2 => second page in history
Page1 => first page in history

I don’t think I can achieve that using:

I can achieve this via navigate back with force option followed by navigate to the new page.
The following post helped me to get to this answer: goBack several times