Save theme settings in Local Storage?

Save theme settings (Dark Mode) persistent.

How can I save these settings in local storage and set them correctly again when I start the app.

Code for the toggle works, but not persitent yet:

$$('input[name="color-radio"]').on("change", function() {
  if (this.checked) {
    $$(".view").attr("class", "view view-main view-init");
    $$(".view").addClass("color-theme-" + $$(this).val());
    if ($$(".toggle input")[0].checked) {
$$(".toggle input").on("change", function() {
  if (this.checked) {
  } else {

Use ‘localStorage’

var storage = window.localStorage;

// Call a function to set the theme's value, pass a parameter of the theme.
// 'theme' becomes the key in storage, and the value of 'chosenTheme' is the stored value.
 function setThemeToLocalStorage(chosenTheme) {
    storage.setItem('theme', chosenTheme); 

// A function to recall from localStorage:
function checkForTheme() {
    if (storage.getItem('theme') == 'dark') {
      // Code to execute for dark theme
  } else {
     // Other code for a light theme

Thank you.

How do I use this specifically with the code from above?

You’d use Dom7 .addClass to apply the theming classes to the parent elements. And you’d set the value in localStorage by modifying your existing code:

$$(".toggle input").on("change", function() {
  if (this.checked) {
  } else {