I’ve been using a reactive searchbar that searches on input of characters rather than on submit/pressing a button. Since my backend is too slow to keep up, I want to add a search button inside of the f7 searchbar, preferably where the clear button normally goes. I tried the following, but it looks crappy. I want it to match the style of the searchbar:
style=" border-width: 0px; padding: 30px; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; background: rgb(57, 70, 76); color: black; width: 100%"
<button style="padding:0px; margin: 0px"><icon name="search"></icon></button>
This is how it looks:
Also, since I’m using a search icon to handle a search, is there a way to get rid of the small icon on the left?