Settng tabActive when using animated does not set tab active visually

Probably related to Adding 'tab-active' for animated tabs does not make tab visible by default

React issue. Setting tabActive to a tab that is not the very fisrt tab does now work when animated property is set.
Following code only works when animated property is taken out.

<Tabs animated>
       , idx) => (
                            tabActive={ === active_entity}>
                                       <val.Component doc={doc} />

It sets the class ‘tab-active’ correctly, but what is missing is the transform style on the wrapper div with class tabs. Style only appears on clicking one of the tabs.

<div class="tabs" style="transform: translate3d(-100%, 0px, 0px);">
  <div id="tab-phases" class="page-content tab">
  <div id="tab-grades" class="page-content tab tab-active">

If you add it to page component after page init, then it needs some manual work I guess. You can just set manually style.transform on <Tabs> component which will equal to

`"${-100 * activeTabIndex}%"`

Tab component renders into two divs like this:

<div class="tabs-animated-wrap">
      <div class="tabs" ...

So the following code works, but I am now mixing plain html with React markup for the tab:

                <div className="tabs-animated-wrap">
                        style={{ transform: `translate3d(${-100 * view_part.TabComponents.findIndex(i => == active_entity)}%, 0px, 0px)` }}>
                  , idx) => (
                                    tabActive={ === active_entity}>
                                        <val.Component doc={doc} />

If I don’t do it that way then the style is applied to tab-animated-wrap div.

But it is a good enough workaround. Thanks.

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