[SOLVED] Can not get FAB working properly

As I understand, we can not change direction for speed-dial-buttons, on docs page if I fab is at top , button opens to bottom, if I fab is left-bottom, buttons open to right

however code below there is no action when I click on the button, can someone help me ?

Whatever I do it stills open to bottom, how can I change to open it to right ?

        .chat-div(v-for='message in filtredMessages', :key='message.timestamp', v-if='renderMessages')
          left-chat-bubble.leftBBl.messageLine(:message='message', v-if='message.sender === conversationId', :contact='selectedContacts[0]')
          right-chat-bubble.rightBBl.messageLine(:message='message', v-else)
            // Icons For iOS Theme
            i.icon.f7-icons.ios-only add
            i.icon.f7-icons.ios-only close
            // Icons For MD Theme
            i.icon.material-icons.md-only add
            i.icon.material-icons.md-only close
           // FAB speed dial actions
            a(href="") 1
            a(href="") 2
            a(href="") 3


Look at http://framework7.io/docs/floating-action-button.html#speed-dial
You have fab-buttons-bottom class, that is why they opening on the bottom