[SOLVED] Can't put a signed APK in production in play store. Problem with Andorid App Bundle

This is the problem Use the Android App Bundle format to optimize device configurations automatically or manage them on your own with several APKs.

Create an Hybrid App with Framework7 and generate the APK signed with Phonegap Build. I’ve done this before and I could load it and put in production in Play Console without any problems. But now i can’t and says that I have to solve it using the Android App Bundle format.

The APK is signed and created with Phonegap Build, thats not the problem. I instaled in my phone, and works correct. I have already reduced the file size a bit, but I can not reduce it any further. The final size of the APk is 4.1 mb. I do not know how to do with Phonegap Build to create a file with an Android Bundle App format. I search everywhere, but can’t find a solution.

I do not use Android Studio to make the app. It’t just HTML5, JS and CSS.

Is there any way using Phonegap Build to put the app in production?

Hola Fernando, mira nosotros laburamos igual con PB y no tenemos esos problemas.
Estas subiendo correctamente el APK firmado ?

Hola,. gracias por responder.
Ya he subido otras aplicaciones, tiempo atrás, y no tenía problema, siempre genere el keystore de la misma forma, siguiendo el tutorial de Phonegap.
Voy a generar otro keystore para ver si es eso.
Lo que me resulta raro, es que Phonegap Build no me da ningún error en la firma.


Sigo con el mismo problema ya genere una nueva keystore y nada.
Este es el error completo. No se que hacer ya.
I still have the same problem and I already generate a new keystore and nothing.
This is the complete error. I don’t know what to do.
APK no optimizado


Este APK genera código y recursos que no se utilizan y se envían a los usuarios de todos modos. Puedes reducir el tamaño de tu app mediante el formato Android App Bundle. Si no optimizas la app para las configuraciones de los dispositivos de los usuarios, esta tendrá un tamaño de descarga e instalación más grande que lo que realmente necesita. Las apps de mayor tamaño tienen tasas de éxito de instalaciones más bajas y ocupan más espacio de almacenamiento en los dispositivos de los usuarios.


Usa el formato Android App Bundle para optimizar las configuraciones de los dispositivos de forma automática o adminístralas por tu cuenta con varios APK.

APK not optimized

This APK generates code and resources that are not used and sent to users anyway. You can reduce the size of your app using the Android App Bundle format. If you do not optimize the app for user device configurations, it will have a larger download and installation size than what you really need. Larger apps have lower installation success rates and take up more storage space on users’ devices.


Use the Android App Bundle format to optimize device configurations automatically or manage them on your own with several APKs.


I had the same warning while I uploaded a APK for my company last week. Although of course the better option is to optimize the APK as stated, I could ignore the warning and still continue and upload the APK. I think there was a button “Ignore and continue” somewhere below the message.

Maybe is some new warning about apk size limits

This is the options I have.

This is the message

Now matter what I choose i can’t publish the app.

Pude publicar la app, el problema era que no tenia completa toda la información.
Todos los tildes grises del lateral izquierdo tienen que estar en verde.

Perdón por los problemas ocasionados, no me había dado cuenta que me falta agregar información.
De todas formas no entiendo como Google no te avisa que falta información, en lugar de intentar obligarte a usar su App Bundle.

Mil gracias por responder.

I was able to publish the app, the problem was that I did not have all the information complete.
All the gray tildes on the left side have to be green.

Sorry for the problems caused, I had not realized that I need to add information.
Anyway I do not understand how Google does not warn you that information is missing, instead of trying to force you to use your App Bundle.

Thanks a lot for answering

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Buenisimo Fernando por el update.
Estuve leyendo un poco sobre eso, y te dejo este doc q publico la play de google en medium
“16 reasons to publish your apps and games with the Android App Bundle” by Dom Elliott


Muchas gracias vousys por el link.