[SOLVED] F7-Vue async router blocks back function

Is this a bug or I’m doing something wrong?


I need to intercept the router to redirect the user to an Authenticate page, if he is not authenticated yet. I did it using the route async function. The problem is: the Authenticate page has an empty router stack (so back() or navbar back-link won’t work).

To see the bug on fiddle: click on the About link (it will redirect you to the Dynamic Page). In this new page, the back cease to work =\

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Answered here https://github.com/framework7io/framework7-vue/issues/414

It’s not clear how we supposed to secure routes (authentication) on f7-vue, if we can’t use async =\

You can, read my comments in GitHub issue

Guess I didn’t understood what you’re trying to say:

async and component can’t be used together…

In F7-Vue, you need to use component and resolve routes with component as well

It’s not clear how one can intercept (and cancel) a route navigation, redirect to another page (or show a popup), then continue the normal flow if user is authenticated.

So far, I’m making a custom navigate method that handles this =\

Very simple, here is your example fixed https://jsfiddle.net/qa4m0bod/

Mean that route can conain only one page/component-load prop:

  path: '...',
  // then only one of load-kind props
  component: ...
  // or
  url: //
  // or
  async: //

Inside of async you can resolve it, again, with only one kind of load-prop such are component, url, componentUrl, content, pageName, el, template, templateUrl

If you need any kind of logic, whether to check or preload something before route load, then always use async.
If you need to cancel route, call reject() function in async. And after call router.navigate if you need to redirect

My implementation (seems to work now, thank you):

// For me, the .vue extension is important (because I separate js from vue files)
import home from "./pages/home.vue"; // My home component
import addNewItem from "./pages/addNewItem.vue"; // My secure component

// I have an EventBus and, luckly, all F7 methods are available (without need to use global context)
import EventBus from "./streamline/eventBus";

// I defined that a secure route has secureComponent instead of component
const routes =
	{ path: "/", component: home }, // Not secure
	{ path: "/addNewItem/", secureComponent: addNewItem }, // Secure

// For each of the routes...
for(const route of routes)
	if(route.secureComponent) // ...if it is secure...
        // intercepts the f7router to check some things...
		route.async = function(routeTo, routeFrom, resolve, reject)
            // My event bus also keeps my plugins and Vue.prototype.$things
            // This one checks if the user is authenticated:
                // If so, I create a new route pointing the component to that secureComponent o'mine
                // It's a constructor, so it is safe to copy it around
				const newRoute = { path: routeTo.route.path, component: routeTo.route.secureComponent };

                // Now the route is resolved and the secure page thing appears as nothing has happened
                // In my case, I want to use popups, not a new page for authentication
                // By the instructions above, a redirect to a non secure page would work as well, but I won't do it 'cos:
                // SUGGESTION: F7Router sucks, specially the "ignore the stack and load a new page without keeping the current on history (i.e.: a back on this new page will back to the previous, not the current one)

				const loginScreen = EventBus.$f7.loginScreen.create({ el: EventBus.$$(".loginScreen") });


                // SUGGESTION: There should be a better way to handle a modal response
				loginScreen.on("loginscreen:closed", () =>

                    // Here I test the whole thing again (just to force a new navigation...        
                    // Guess this is needed because I've already rejected the navigation, so...

// Export the static thing to whomever handles this thing. Lots of things on my code. Amazing how it works!
export default routes;

There are two suggestions of improvement on the comments above.
Thank you for the help.