[SOLVED] Having trouble reacting to page events

I have some troubles using page events.
On the “tab” app generated with the CLI, I replace the home page with the code below, but none of the events are triggered/detected.
I suppose I’m doing something wrong, so I would be thankful for a bit of help :slight_smile:
Thank you!

  <f7-page name="home">
    <!-- Top Navbar -->
    <f7-navbar title="MyApp"></f7-navbar>
    <!-- Page content-->
    <f7-block strong>
      <p>Content of the page</p>

export default {
  on: {
    pageMounted: function(e, page) {
      console.log("page mounted");
    pageInit: function(e, page) {
      console.log("page init"); 
    pageBeforeIn: function(e, page) {
      console.log("page before in");
    pageAfterIn: function(e, page) {
      console.log("page after in");
    pageBeforeOut: function(e, page) {
      console.log("page before out");
    pageAfterOut: function(e, page) {
      console.log("page after out");
    pageBeforeUnmount: function(e, page) {
      console.log("page before unmount");
    pageBeforeRemove: function(e, page) {
      console.log("page before remove");

hi, you are using vuejs.

so you can use vue events, like “created”, “mounted”, etc

vuejs lifecycle

also you can listen to any f7 event using vue

  <f7-page name="home" @page:init='pageInitHandler'>
<f7-page name="home">
export default {
  name: 'Home',
  data () {
    return {
      // your data
  methods: {
    pageInitHandler: page => {

here you have the events:


another way is to listen to events on router;

export default [
    path: '/',
    on: {
      pageMounted: function(e, page) {
        console.log("page mounted");
      pageInit: function(e, page) {
        console.log("page init"); 
      pageBeforeIn: function(e, page) {
        console.log("page before in");
      pageAfterIn: function(e, page) {
        console.log("page after in");
      pageBeforeOut: function(e, page) {
        console.log("page before out");
      pageAfterOut: function(e, page) {
        console.log("page after out");
      pageBeforeUnmount: function(e, page) {
        console.log("page before unmount");
      pageBeforeRemove: function(e, page) {
        console.log("page before remove");
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Many thanks!

I didn’t knew this way of listening to the events, it works great! :slight_smile:

This said, I still have an issue. I have a “routable popup”.
Thanks to your help, it now has the following template:


And I have the corresponding methods that leave a message in the console for each of the event.

When I load the app, the popup is opened with this page, and I observe in my console the following events: init, beforein, afterin.

When I move from this page to another page in the same popup, I read in my console: afterout

Then, I close the popup and it disappears.

And then, I click on a button to open the popup again, and there is none of the “opening” events (init, beforein, afterin)

Note: neither the open nor the opened event are triggered, but I suppose it’s normal since they are “popup” events and not “page of the popup” events.

The issue behind all this is that I have a “swiper” in this page.
When I load the app the first time with the popup opened, the swiper works well. But once the popup is closed, it does not work correctly when the popup re-open. So I had the intention to init/destroy the swiper everytime the page appears/disappears. But without events to detect it, it’s complicated.

Anyway, thanks a lot for your answer!

Because page was already initialized. When you closed popup, it is not got removed, it is still in DOM or memory. Maybe you need to listen for popup:open and popuip:close events instead on popup?


My issue is that the Swiper does not init correctly the second time the popup opens.
So I thought I would force an init when the page appears and a destroy when it disappears.


  1. I would like to keep my init/destroy script in the same single file component than the swiper itself for clarity
  2. This component is a page, and is not necessarily opened as a popup

(but perhaps you have a solution for a correct initialization of swipers hidden in a closed popup that then open? :stuck_out_tongue:)

Thanks again for your help!

You can just try to add observer: true and observeParents: true to swiper parameters. It should solve your issues

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Thanks a lot! :slight_smile:
It worked like a charm!