[SOLVED] How to properly select a range slider?

I’m having difficulty working with sliders. I can’t properly address a range slider. I have created 3 sliders. Now I want to get and set their value. But I can’t seem to get the right selector. this is the code that generates the 3 sliders (as suggested by “plpl”):

var $$=Dom7;
  title: 'Set RGB',
  verticalButtons: true,
      var els=d.$el.find('.range-slider');
      for(var i=0;i<els.length;i++){
          el: els[i],
  content:'<div class="block">\
             <div class="range-slider color-red" data-label="true">\
               <input id="redSlider" type="range" min="0" max="255" step="1" value="50">\
           <div class="block">\
             <div class="range-slider color-green" data-label="true">\
               <input id="greenSlider" type="range" min="0" max="255" step="1" value="50">\
           <div class="block">\
             <div class="range-slider color-blue" data-label="true">\
               <input id="blueSlider" type="range" min="0" max="255" step="1" value="50">\

now how do I select for example the red slider?
This how I could do it: define a global variable at the top of JS var rangeSlider=[]; and then

  for(var i=0;i<els.length;i++){
    rangeSlider[i] = app.range.create({
      el: els[i],

this way I can use rangeSlider[1].setValue(200); and it works. But I think I’m getting it the hard and inefficent way.

This is the correct way, if you know that the sliders are initialized and in DOM, you can use common range app methods:

app.range.setValue('.range-slider.color-green', 200);
app.range.setValue('.range-slider.color-blue', 100);

You can also add IDs to them to make selector more compact:

<div id="red-range" class="range-slider color-green" data-label="true">...

And then just

app.range.setValue('#red-range', 100);
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Thank you for your reply. None of these methods work. I tried a lot but it seems like they do not work with dynamically created range sliders. They are fine with range sliders initialized in HTML.
This what I do: the sliders are created in the click event of a button after creation of the sliders (inside a dialog) I use these methods but they not work

$$('.open-vertical').on('click', function () {
myApp.range.setValue('.range-slider.color-red',0);  //No luck

works for me (all of these)
post your code

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Yes It all works. I tried the original code I posted here. The reason it was not working was because I was getting the content of the dialog from a hidden div inside my HTML like this (to keep HTML separate from JS):

<div id="rgbSliderPickerPopUp" style="display:hidden">
   <div class="block">
     <div class="range-slider color-red" id="red-range" data-label="true">
       <input id="redSlider" type="range" min="0" max="255" step="1" value="0">
   <div class="block">
     <div class="range-slider color-green" id="slider-green" data-label="true">
       <input id="greenSlider" type="range" min="0" max="255" step="1" value="0">
   <div class="block" >
     <div class="range-slider color-blue" id="slider-blue" data-label="true">
       <input id="blueSlider"  type="range" min="0" max="255" step="1" value="0">

then for dialog:

content: document.getElementById('rgbSliderPickerPopUp').innerHTML

I had no clue this was the reason for not working, I didn’t know it makes a difference!
Thank you for your inputs. :+1: